
Senin, 15 November 2010

Technology Language Learning

It is so bad be someone who left behind, especially about technology. Therefore, not only me, but also many people want to learn more about technology. World nowadays is different from long time ago even a second ago. Because every second there will be new gadget things are created. I went to SMAN 12 Jakarta for school visit this semester. In the first time I came and entered to the class, first time that I did there was class observation. First time that I observed, was class condition. How the teacher teach the students with everything in the class, what tools that the teacher uses for his or her teaching, and so on. I was shocked. There were not projector only OHP. I even did not know how to use it. There were no LCD and projector in every class. Whereas I already planned, I would teach using that kind of thing. I planned teach using power point like what I like to do. Nevertheless, I relieved there was a projector portable. My master teacher is a diligent teacher. I saw him prepare for his teaching. He told me that he often search from internet for his teaching. In the class, he also sometimes teaches using laptop and projector. For some explanations that need deep understanding, he uses white board and marker to explain to the students.
I had to wait for my turn to teach. I could teach in next week. In the week before I just did my master teacher task such as checking paper test students and making lesson plan. While I waited my turn, I saw my friends’ turn to teach. We encouraged each other. Every group who would teach, we gave them spirit and asked how the result was after they finished. I heard from their story their teaching was not success enough. They told me that the teaching was in a mess, because the projector did not work. Whereas, they already practiced all night before. Then we discussed together, my friend had a notion that sometimes power point does not work for teaching. She told me that power point makes students only watching to the slide not doing some activity that make them more understand about the subject. Then, I thought again. I think she was true. I talked to myself that “,,,,hmm…yeachh…if teacher explain using power point the students will only focus on the slide which is colorful and full of decoration not to the subject. But if students practice it by themselves in paper or in whiteboard they will get their own experience and deeper understand that will keep it in their mind for long” Then, what should I do?. Luckily, my group and I prepared the lesson without using anything of slide. I only use a whiteboard and marker to explain to the students about certain subject.
From the way of teaching, teacher does not include technology to help students acquire new language in class. There are so many students’ activites, which deal with computer that can be adapted for learning English. Williams (2005) stated that from games could help students to explore their communication skill as games’ player. Barton (2005) said that students could increase their vocabulary and improve their writing skill from writing in the computer, because in computer there is a checker that will correct the wrong grammar and misspelling.
I confess that technology is also important and have a big role in language teaching, but it does not mean that we only depend on the technology. We have to have a plan B. We have to know when we need to use that tool or not. If I were the teacher there, I will teach the students using both of those tools. Nevertheless, I have my own trick to manage it. Usually every school has two meeting for English study a week. Therefore, I will use one meeting in the class and another in the language laboratory. In language laboratory I will not only use for listening but also for explaining with power point in order to make students fun but still get the lesson. I will also not forget study in the class; I will make my students feel comfortable and fun to get the lesson. I will make my class be interactive by giving some games or other activities that make them move from their sit.

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