
Senin, 01 November 2010

School visit - First day

First November 2010 is my first day to go to school that I visit for school experience this semester. I was so worried at first. But I still excited. Because this is different. I don’t do school observation but I am going to be a teacher assistant. Wow! I learned so many today. In the first day, I already got so many information to be a good teacher consist of the problem of student, prepare material to make student understand and etc. From that I can know what am I going to do if I were a real teacher.
In my first day in school, my master teacher told me so many things include the problem that he deals everyday as a teacher. For example, students always inclined translate in Indonesian-English concept. If the students are given games to make the students interested in learning, teacher worried that the material are not mastered by the students because of too enjoy in games. Another factor that make teaching-learning not interesting is teacher only focus on preparing national examination. So, the students only drilled by giving so many exercises. From students side, that would be so bored but the teacher is also right. So, what I have to be? What the teacher should do? That is my homework as a teacher candidate to find a way to solve that problem.
One thing that amazed me today is I offered my master teacher to use rubric in giving assessment to students. Firstly, we just talk and shared about what we are going to do as team teaching. Then we discussed our job to prepare a lesson. In the middle of conversation, he said that his way to assess student is by his own assessment and peer assessment. He said that why he did two ways assessment because he wanted to avoid a subjectivity in giving assessment. I appreciate about his opinion. Then I suggest him why do not use rubric. I think it will be helpful and avoided from subjectivity. Then he interested and curious what rubric is. Then we discussed to make rubric together. I am happy can introduce teacher something new for him or her. It means that I can help. I also like to have sharing with them because from that what problem that I will find as a teacher. That’s why I can prepare the way to face it. Good luck for me and another teacher candidate. We can be an awesome teacher in the future.

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