
Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Bad or Good???

Good or bad???
From the lesson plan of the teacher, all the criteria accomplish the students’ aspects. In my opinion, it is a complete lesson. My master teacher is a diligent teacher. I saw him prepare for his teaching. He always prepares the material before they teach. He gets the material not only from the book but also from the internet. I really appreciate for that. I also impress when he try to discipline the students. I don’t know how he can make the students respect to him. Only with warning sentence, such as “please be quiet”. The students at that time be silent and focus on him. When I interviewed him to make sure what was happening, he answered that he not always will be a nice teacher. Sometimes he will angry to students. That’s why students feel afraid and respect to him. In the class when we decide a group, I always do counting. But one new way I learn from him. He divided group with made a circle like mosquito essence based on students’ list. This really unpredictable.
The ineffectiveness of this teaching are the teacher teaches never based on lesson plan. That’s why teacher always less or more than the time that have scheduled. He has the lesson plan, but he teaches not based on it. Teacher also never makes sure about the understanding of students. Based on Christ Kyriacou in process variables step of a basic framework for thinking about effective teaching, teacher only fulfill only some categories. Teacher doesn’t provide ‘clarity of explanations’ because teacher teaches only based on examination oriented. He teaches students with giving explanation and then give so many exercises paper. Teacher also doesn’t provide ‘use of praise and criticism’ and ‘type of feedback pupils receive’ which is very important for the students and the teacher itself. From feedback or reflection of the student teacher can know what level the understanding of students that have to increase. From that way, I think teacher won’t able to help students who don’t understand. For students who have much money they can take course outside the school. But for someone who in lower economic, that will be a problem. So what should teacher do???
After I did observation, look from students’ reflection, in my opinion, this teacher is less of passion as a teacher. He teaches conventionally that makes students feel bored and chose to take course outside the school. His students told me that they never got good mark in test whereas they always got best point in quiz that teacher gave in explaining the lesson. Then, in order to do not make unfair opinion, I asked to the teacher how he teaches his students. He answered that he makes the test is quite different from quiz because he wanted the students to learn before having test. Because sometimes students underestimate the test, and they do not study before test because they felt that they already mastered the lesson. Then after test he didn’t give rectification because he wanted the students learn by themselves to look for the correct answer. Because by the students do that they will have a deep understanding because they looking for it by themselves. Then I talk to myself, its logical? It can be applied. So, What do you think guys?
If I were a teacher in a future, sometimes I will apply what my master teacher has done. Certainly, I will do it by giving some improvisation. I will more care to my students. I will apply cooperative learning atmosphere. I have opinion that sometimes conventional-way work best in teaching. Nevertheless, the problem is how we can design it as effective as it can and make students get the understanding of the lesson. Any idea friends?

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