
Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Technology and Language Learning

My reflection...

In sketch, draw, visualize! Session of TLL lesson, my lecturer Pak Iwan asked me what meaning of my picture. I told him that it was my willing to learn. I draw 2 pictures in one paper. Both of them were interrelationship. Honestly I really blind about technology. I just have my confidence to learn about technology in the end of my senior high school and until now. When I remember how afraid I am to touch the pc, I felt ashamed to myself and to my friends. I just got my desire to literate this in my journey of university. I don’t know. I just laugh when remember how simple I am and how long I am to learn. But it’s ok. The important thing is I still want to learn without give up. I always said that I am stupid but my friends always tell me that I can do it. I really grateful have so many friends who like to help me.

Thank you my friends….


4 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Dear Nunu,
I also feel blind about the technology, moreover the technology always changed.
So, for us; never stop learning what's something brand new about the technology :)

Learning Bowl mengatakan...

Thank you Nellis...

My Ways in Learning mengatakan...

You're welcome nunu.. let's learn together and support each other.. and I hope you will not be scary to touch monitor of computer like you did in senior high school ^_^

Learning Bowl mengatakan...

heheheh....thank you my friends...


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