Many people that humiliated and look only from one side about teenager in Indonesia. many people assume that Indonesian teenager easy to be influenced with something new. Then, they become addicted with that called something new and leave what become their belonging. whereas what they leave is something precious that become their identity. After that, because of their forgetfulness, causes somebody take benefit from that. That is what become my campaign in my task in Humanistic studies 1. In my campaign, I tried to make teenager of Indonesia realize that we are so reach and we have to keep what become our identity. we may learn about another nation culture but we do not have to leave our culture just because people called it old school things. So we have to be solid to build this nation together guys. this our job as the next generation of this nation. this is I have video from Pramoedya. There is his words that can motivate us as Indonesian teenager. Enjoy watching.
Minggu, 09 Januari 2011
Pramoedya Ananta Toer 26 Agustus 1999 - 05 (
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