Memang terkadang menyakitkan bagi seseorang yang berbeda dari yang lain. Apa lagi yang lain itu terlihat jauh lebih baik dari apa yang kita miliki. Seseorang selalu merasa dirinya lemah, kurang baik, merasa tidak percaya diri, pesimis dan sebagainya bila melihat yang lain itu terasa lebih diterima dari milik kita. Sehingga jalan satunya-satunya agar tidak tertindas atau merasa malu karena lain dari yang lain itu, seseorang lebih cenderung menyulap dirinya menjadi seperti apa yang banyak diakui oleh umum. Menilik pada contoh novel salah asuhan dimana Hanafi, malu akan jati dirinya sebagai seorang pribumi, sehingga dia membenci dan bahkan ingin membuang budaya yang menjadi identitasnya tersebut.
Indonesia memiliki berbagai macam ragam kebudayaan. Mulai dari yang nampak sampai yang abstrak. Kebudayaan berasal dari bahasa sansekerta, yaitu buddhayah yang merupakan bentuk jamak dari buddhi (budi atau akal) diartikan sebagai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan budi dan akal. Salah satunya adalah budaya unggah ungguh yang notabene menjadi karakter umum orang Indonesia. Salah satu masalah yang ada pada novel salah asuhan, Hanafi memperdebatkan masalah kesopanan yang dimiliki orang Indonesia. Mengutip dialog Hanafi dalam novel tersebut “Kesopanan ? Apakah perbuatan kita, duduk berhadapan antara satu meter jaraknya, dibatasi oleh meja teh, di tempat terang dan pada waktu yang lazim dipergunakan orang buat berkunjung-kunjungan, boleh dikatakan melanggar peri kesopanan ?"Jadi bagiku, sungguhlah gelap batas undang-undang kesopanan itu—sebab ia tidak tersurat." Dalam uraian tersebut Hanafi merasa terikat oleh budaya yang dimilikinya, padahal orang yang diajaknya berdebat, Corrie, dia sangat dapat mengerti dan menghormati budaya Hanafi. Tapi mengapa Hanafi sangat membenci yang menjadi budayanya tersebut. Dari novel tersebut diungkapkan bahwa Hanafi merasa tidak nyaman dengan berbagai peraturan yang ada pada budayanya. Dia merasa ingin bebas seperti budaya barat pada umumnya. Dia ingin dapat menyalurkan cintanya kepada Corrie tapi tidak tersampaikan karena adat yang mengikatnya.
Hermianto dan Winarno (2009) dalam buku ilmu sosial dan budayanya menyatakan bahwa kepentingan hidup manusia adalah dalam rangka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Mungkin bagi Hanafi kepentingan hidupnya hanyalah Corrie. Sehingga dia mengabaikan semua aturan budaya. Hermianto & winarno juga menyebutkan bahwa daerah berlakunya norma etik relative universal, meskipun tetap dipengaruhi oleh ideologi masyarakat pendukungnya. Itu mengapa Hanafi selalu membandingkan dengan budaya yang dilihatnya pada umumnya walaupun dia hidup dilingkungan yang dominan dengan adat minang di sekitarnya.
Dari cerita Hanafi, sebenarnya bagaimana latar belakang Hanafi itu sendiri. Bagaimana dia dibesarkan. Apakah dia dibesarkan berdasarkan budaya minang atau yang lainnya. Menurut Hermianto dan Winarno (2009) budaya itu diturunkan secara vertikal dari generasi sebelum ke generasi berikutnya untuk digunakan dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Tetapi budaya itu bisa juga ditolak oleh generasi penerima bila budaya tersebut dirasa tidak sesuai dengan kepribadian si penerima dan juga tidak sesuai dengan pekembangan jaman pada saat itu. Bila dilihat dari sudut budaya minang, Masyarakat Minangkabau adalah suatu masyarakat yang menganut sistem Matriarileneal dimana garis Ibu lebih dominan dan hukum kewarisan mengikuti garis Ibu, yang mungkin satu-satunya di-Indonesia. Dengan sistem ini, penguasaan harta pusaka dipegang oleh kaum perempuan sedangkan hak kaum pria dalam hal ini cukup kecil. Sebenarnya penulis belum mengerti benar bagaimana pengaruh budaya tersebut dengan kedudukan Hanafi sebagai anak tunggal laki-laki dalam keluarganya. Apakah karena dia merasa seorang laki-laki, sehingga dia merasa berhak memutuskan apa yang menjadi kehendaknya.
Melihat cerita dari seorang Hanafi, sepertinya hal tersebut tidak lepas dari pengaruh globalisasi. Dimana globalisasi mengubah cara berpikir Hanafi terhadap budayanya. Hermianto & Winarno (2009) mengatakan bahwa pengaruh globalisasi tehadap sosial budaya adalah masuknya nilai-nilai dari peradaban lain. Mereka mengatakan bahwa globalisasi mengakibatkan timbulnya erosi nilai-nilai sosial budaya suatu bangsa yang menjadi jati dirinya. Tetapi alangkah baiknya apabila budaya itu dijaga dan dilestarikan karena budaya tersebut adalah sebuah amanah yang berupa hadiah dari leluhur kita. Memang kita harus menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan jaman sekarang, kita boleh menerima masuknya globalisasi tapi tetap menjaga nilai budaya kita sebagai pedoman identitas kita. Sebaiknya kita menyikapi adanya globalisasi dengan memanfaatkan peluang yang ada tanpa mengabaikan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma yang ada dalam budaya kita. Karena budaya tersebut adalah identitas yang menunjukkan siapa kita dan yang membedakan kita dari orang lain. Apabila kita yang memilikinya tapi tidak mau menjaganya, apabila suatu saat seseorang mengambilnya dari kita. Lalu siapa yang harus dipersalahkan???
Jumat, 26 November 2010
Dia kok beda, aku malu ah,,,
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Senin, 15 November 2010
Technology Language Learning
It is so bad be someone who left behind, especially about technology. Therefore, not only me, but also many people want to learn more about technology. World nowadays is different from long time ago even a second ago. Because every second there will be new gadget things are created. I went to SMAN 12 Jakarta for school visit this semester. In the first time I came and entered to the class, first time that I did there was class observation. First time that I observed, was class condition. How the teacher teach the students with everything in the class, what tools that the teacher uses for his or her teaching, and so on. I was shocked. There were not projector only OHP. I even did not know how to use it. There were no LCD and projector in every class. Whereas I already planned, I would teach using that kind of thing. I planned teach using power point like what I like to do. Nevertheless, I relieved there was a projector portable. My master teacher is a diligent teacher. I saw him prepare for his teaching. He told me that he often search from internet for his teaching. In the class, he also sometimes teaches using laptop and projector. For some explanations that need deep understanding, he uses white board and marker to explain to the students.
I had to wait for my turn to teach. I could teach in next week. In the week before I just did my master teacher task such as checking paper test students and making lesson plan. While I waited my turn, I saw my friends’ turn to teach. We encouraged each other. Every group who would teach, we gave them spirit and asked how the result was after they finished. I heard from their story their teaching was not success enough. They told me that the teaching was in a mess, because the projector did not work. Whereas, they already practiced all night before. Then we discussed together, my friend had a notion that sometimes power point does not work for teaching. She told me that power point makes students only watching to the slide not doing some activity that make them more understand about the subject. Then, I thought again. I think she was true. I talked to myself that “,,,,hmm…yeachh…if teacher explain using power point the students will only focus on the slide which is colorful and full of decoration not to the subject. But if students practice it by themselves in paper or in whiteboard they will get their own experience and deeper understand that will keep it in their mind for long” Then, what should I do?. Luckily, my group and I prepared the lesson without using anything of slide. I only use a whiteboard and marker to explain to the students about certain subject.
From the way of teaching, teacher does not include technology to help students acquire new language in class. There are so many students’ activites, which deal with computer that can be adapted for learning English. Williams (2005) stated that from games could help students to explore their communication skill as games’ player. Barton (2005) said that students could increase their vocabulary and improve their writing skill from writing in the computer, because in computer there is a checker that will correct the wrong grammar and misspelling.
I confess that technology is also important and have a big role in language teaching, but it does not mean that we only depend on the technology. We have to have a plan B. We have to know when we need to use that tool or not. If I were the teacher there, I will teach the students using both of those tools. Nevertheless, I have my own trick to manage it. Usually every school has two meeting for English study a week. Therefore, I will use one meeting in the class and another in the language laboratory. In language laboratory I will not only use for listening but also for explaining with power point in order to make students fun but still get the lesson. I will also not forget study in the class; I will make my students feel comfortable and fun to get the lesson. I will make my class be interactive by giving some games or other activities that make them move from their sit.
I had to wait for my turn to teach. I could teach in next week. In the week before I just did my master teacher task such as checking paper test students and making lesson plan. While I waited my turn, I saw my friends’ turn to teach. We encouraged each other. Every group who would teach, we gave them spirit and asked how the result was after they finished. I heard from their story their teaching was not success enough. They told me that the teaching was in a mess, because the projector did not work. Whereas, they already practiced all night before. Then we discussed together, my friend had a notion that sometimes power point does not work for teaching. She told me that power point makes students only watching to the slide not doing some activity that make them more understand about the subject. Then, I thought again. I think she was true. I talked to myself that “,,,,hmm…yeachh…if teacher explain using power point the students will only focus on the slide which is colorful and full of decoration not to the subject. But if students practice it by themselves in paper or in whiteboard they will get their own experience and deeper understand that will keep it in their mind for long” Then, what should I do?. Luckily, my group and I prepared the lesson without using anything of slide. I only use a whiteboard and marker to explain to the students about certain subject.
From the way of teaching, teacher does not include technology to help students acquire new language in class. There are so many students’ activites, which deal with computer that can be adapted for learning English. Williams (2005) stated that from games could help students to explore their communication skill as games’ player. Barton (2005) said that students could increase their vocabulary and improve their writing skill from writing in the computer, because in computer there is a checker that will correct the wrong grammar and misspelling.
I confess that technology is also important and have a big role in language teaching, but it does not mean that we only depend on the technology. We have to have a plan B. We have to know when we need to use that tool or not. If I were the teacher there, I will teach the students using both of those tools. Nevertheless, I have my own trick to manage it. Usually every school has two meeting for English study a week. Therefore, I will use one meeting in the class and another in the language laboratory. In language laboratory I will not only use for listening but also for explaining with power point in order to make students fun but still get the lesson. I will also not forget study in the class; I will make my students feel comfortable and fun to get the lesson. I will make my class be interactive by giving some games or other activities that make them move from their sit.
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Sabtu, 13 November 2010
Bad or Good???
Good or bad???
From the lesson plan of the teacher, all the criteria accomplish the students’ aspects. In my opinion, it is a complete lesson. My master teacher is a diligent teacher. I saw him prepare for his teaching. He always prepares the material before they teach. He gets the material not only from the book but also from the internet. I really appreciate for that. I also impress when he try to discipline the students. I don’t know how he can make the students respect to him. Only with warning sentence, such as “please be quiet”. The students at that time be silent and focus on him. When I interviewed him to make sure what was happening, he answered that he not always will be a nice teacher. Sometimes he will angry to students. That’s why students feel afraid and respect to him. In the class when we decide a group, I always do counting. But one new way I learn from him. He divided group with made a circle like mosquito essence based on students’ list. This really unpredictable.
The ineffectiveness of this teaching are the teacher teaches never based on lesson plan. That’s why teacher always less or more than the time that have scheduled. He has the lesson plan, but he teaches not based on it. Teacher also never makes sure about the understanding of students. Based on Christ Kyriacou in process variables step of a basic framework for thinking about effective teaching, teacher only fulfill only some categories. Teacher doesn’t provide ‘clarity of explanations’ because teacher teaches only based on examination oriented. He teaches students with giving explanation and then give so many exercises paper. Teacher also doesn’t provide ‘use of praise and criticism’ and ‘type of feedback pupils receive’ which is very important for the students and the teacher itself. From feedback or reflection of the student teacher can know what level the understanding of students that have to increase. From that way, I think teacher won’t able to help students who don’t understand. For students who have much money they can take course outside the school. But for someone who in lower economic, that will be a problem. So what should teacher do???
After I did observation, look from students’ reflection, in my opinion, this teacher is less of passion as a teacher. He teaches conventionally that makes students feel bored and chose to take course outside the school. His students told me that they never got good mark in test whereas they always got best point in quiz that teacher gave in explaining the lesson. Then, in order to do not make unfair opinion, I asked to the teacher how he teaches his students. He answered that he makes the test is quite different from quiz because he wanted the students to learn before having test. Because sometimes students underestimate the test, and they do not study before test because they felt that they already mastered the lesson. Then after test he didn’t give rectification because he wanted the students learn by themselves to look for the correct answer. Because by the students do that they will have a deep understanding because they looking for it by themselves. Then I talk to myself, its logical? It can be applied. So, What do you think guys?
If I were a teacher in a future, sometimes I will apply what my master teacher has done. Certainly, I will do it by giving some improvisation. I will more care to my students. I will apply cooperative learning atmosphere. I have opinion that sometimes conventional-way work best in teaching. Nevertheless, the problem is how we can design it as effective as it can and make students get the understanding of the lesson. Any idea friends?
From the lesson plan of the teacher, all the criteria accomplish the students’ aspects. In my opinion, it is a complete lesson. My master teacher is a diligent teacher. I saw him prepare for his teaching. He always prepares the material before they teach. He gets the material not only from the book but also from the internet. I really appreciate for that. I also impress when he try to discipline the students. I don’t know how he can make the students respect to him. Only with warning sentence, such as “please be quiet”. The students at that time be silent and focus on him. When I interviewed him to make sure what was happening, he answered that he not always will be a nice teacher. Sometimes he will angry to students. That’s why students feel afraid and respect to him. In the class when we decide a group, I always do counting. But one new way I learn from him. He divided group with made a circle like mosquito essence based on students’ list. This really unpredictable.
The ineffectiveness of this teaching are the teacher teaches never based on lesson plan. That’s why teacher always less or more than the time that have scheduled. He has the lesson plan, but he teaches not based on it. Teacher also never makes sure about the understanding of students. Based on Christ Kyriacou in process variables step of a basic framework for thinking about effective teaching, teacher only fulfill only some categories. Teacher doesn’t provide ‘clarity of explanations’ because teacher teaches only based on examination oriented. He teaches students with giving explanation and then give so many exercises paper. Teacher also doesn’t provide ‘use of praise and criticism’ and ‘type of feedback pupils receive’ which is very important for the students and the teacher itself. From feedback or reflection of the student teacher can know what level the understanding of students that have to increase. From that way, I think teacher won’t able to help students who don’t understand. For students who have much money they can take course outside the school. But for someone who in lower economic, that will be a problem. So what should teacher do???
After I did observation, look from students’ reflection, in my opinion, this teacher is less of passion as a teacher. He teaches conventionally that makes students feel bored and chose to take course outside the school. His students told me that they never got good mark in test whereas they always got best point in quiz that teacher gave in explaining the lesson. Then, in order to do not make unfair opinion, I asked to the teacher how he teaches his students. He answered that he makes the test is quite different from quiz because he wanted the students to learn before having test. Because sometimes students underestimate the test, and they do not study before test because they felt that they already mastered the lesson. Then after test he didn’t give rectification because he wanted the students learn by themselves to look for the correct answer. Because by the students do that they will have a deep understanding because they looking for it by themselves. Then I talk to myself, its logical? It can be applied. So, What do you think guys?
If I were a teacher in a future, sometimes I will apply what my master teacher has done. Certainly, I will do it by giving some improvisation. I will more care to my students. I will apply cooperative learning atmosphere. I have opinion that sometimes conventional-way work best in teaching. Nevertheless, the problem is how we can design it as effective as it can and make students get the understanding of the lesson. Any idea friends?
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Jumat, 05 November 2010
The Savior
Not every person is same. One has different learning style than other. That could be happen in way of teaching too, because the person who teaches also has different experience and learning style. This is what I met in my school experience. We met our master teacher and got so much information about his teaching methods. In the first meeting, we just do an introduction about ourselves. We did little sharing about the way of teaching. He told us that if he wants to teach listening he will give a listening section all day long and ask the students to listen and answer the paper sheet. He does not teach anything or even give a brief explanation or evaluation in that day. After giving listening intensively on one day, the next meeting will be a test for listening. We were shocked at the beginning. We said…” a…sir..(laugh) how poor the students sir….” Then he answered”just let them learn by themselves”. Okay, from this side, we have different opinion about teaching student. He likes to teach in front of the class, without any feels of care, he let his students to learn by themselves. If I were a teacher and have my own class, I will teach with so many ways to make my students enjoy the lesson and the important thing is they have deep understanding about the subject that I teach.
In another sharing, he told me about his way of assess students. He said that he really wanted to avoid a subjective assessment. Then, I told him “why don’t you use rubric sir in assessment. It could help you to avoid subjectivity”. He interested in rubric that I suggested. Then he asked me what the rubric is. I told him and I showed him what the rubric looks like. Then he said”o,,,I see…”. Actually, He is a diligent teacher. He always on time in preparing material for his teaching and also he use internet to support his teaching aid.
We made a rubric for him, he also made his own. But it’s quite different. He only classify that 5 is excellent, 4 is very good,…and so on without any explanation what criteria that belong to excellent and other.
Next day, we entered to his class. We did a little observation there. That was a drama presentation. I saw he gave students his rubric. I didn’t know why he used it although we had told him that ours was clearer than him. In the class, I saw the students were active. From their behavior, I can conclude that they are smart although not all students. Most the students have a good pronunciation, creative, speak fluently and confident. I asked to myself how can? The teacher is like that? I am sure that most the students take course outside school. I thought harder and I got the conclusion that was logic enough if we let the students learn by themselves. There is an effort from the students to learn. And the result will stay long time in their mind. It’s like give our belief to them that they can learn by themselves. Even though we have different’ opinion but sometime I like his thought as a teacher. But the problem from this way is what about the student who don’t have spirit of study and students who are from lower economic who cannot take course outside the school.
I don’t really know what’s the matter of this teacher who has little care of his students. But I am sure if I were a teacher I will try to do everything to help my students. I will think deeper and deepest about how to make them satisfy in my lesson.
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First Corrector
Every student will feel happy if he or she gets good point in test, daily or semester test. When the paper test is given back to the student after correction, they will be so excited to check it with their friends. They scream, they looked really excited to see his or her result after work hard for study. BUT, it’s really hard to see their happiness broken with feeling of disappointed. When they see their answer is right but in paper there is a cross mark. And when they know that their friends’ is right whereas they have same answer. That’s why I’m so excited and also worried when I got task to check students’ paper test. I didn’t know what I had to do with the correction because maybe the master teacher had different interpretation in checking student paper test. This was my first time to check paper test and give point based on my ability and based on knowledge that I had. Even though I have ever had experience to help my teacher give some corrections but that was an exact answer. My teacher gave me the key then I just matched it with the students’ answer. This was different.
When I checked it, I saw so many answers of the students. From that I could see how deep their understanding about the subject and what I could improve from me as a teacher as a self-correction.

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Senin, 01 November 2010
School visit - First day
First November 2010 is my first day to go to school that I visit for school experience this semester. I was so worried at first. But I still excited. Because this is different. I don’t do school observation but I am going to be a teacher assistant. Wow! I learned so many today. In the first day, I already got so many information to be a good teacher consist of the problem of student, prepare material to make student understand and etc. From that I can know what am I going to do if I were a real teacher.
In my first day in school, my master teacher told me so many things include the problem that he deals everyday as a teacher. For example, students always inclined translate in Indonesian-English concept. If the students are given games to make the students interested in learning, teacher worried that the material are not mastered by the students because of too enjoy in games. Another factor that make teaching-learning not interesting is teacher only focus on preparing national examination. So, the students only drilled by giving so many exercises. From students side, that would be so bored but the teacher is also right. So, what I have to be? What the teacher should do? That is my homework as a teacher candidate to find a way to solve that problem.
One thing that amazed me today is I offered my master teacher to use rubric in giving assessment to students. Firstly, we just talk and shared about what we are going to do as team teaching. Then we discussed our job to prepare a lesson. In the middle of conversation, he said that his way to assess student is by his own assessment and peer assessment. He said that why he did two ways assessment because he wanted to avoid a subjectivity in giving assessment. I appreciate about his opinion. Then I suggest him why do not use rubric. I think it will be helpful and avoided from subjectivity. Then he interested and curious what rubric is. Then we discussed to make rubric together. I am happy can introduce teacher something new for him or her. It means that I can help. I also like to have sharing with them because from that what problem that I will find as a teacher. That’s why I can prepare the way to face it. Good luck for me and another teacher candidate. We can be an awesome teacher in the future.
In my first day in school, my master teacher told me so many things include the problem that he deals everyday as a teacher. For example, students always inclined translate in Indonesian-English concept. If the students are given games to make the students interested in learning, teacher worried that the material are not mastered by the students because of too enjoy in games. Another factor that make teaching-learning not interesting is teacher only focus on preparing national examination. So, the students only drilled by giving so many exercises. From students side, that would be so bored but the teacher is also right. So, what I have to be? What the teacher should do? That is my homework as a teacher candidate to find a way to solve that problem.
One thing that amazed me today is I offered my master teacher to use rubric in giving assessment to students. Firstly, we just talk and shared about what we are going to do as team teaching. Then we discussed our job to prepare a lesson. In the middle of conversation, he said that his way to assess student is by his own assessment and peer assessment. He said that why he did two ways assessment because he wanted to avoid a subjectivity in giving assessment. I appreciate about his opinion. Then I suggest him why do not use rubric. I think it will be helpful and avoided from subjectivity. Then he interested and curious what rubric is. Then we discussed to make rubric together. I am happy can introduce teacher something new for him or her. It means that I can help. I also like to have sharing with them because from that what problem that I will find as a teacher. That’s why I can prepare the way to face it. Good luck for me and another teacher candidate. We can be an awesome teacher in the future.
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My Metamorphosa
Blog, Wiki, Youtube, Teachertube, Podcast, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Second Life are sophisticated web page 2.0. I really disappointed of myself if I cannot use it. After all presentation of my friends about those things, I found myself WOW, why I did not learn about those things for long time ago. But if I look back to my past, I cannot blame anyone or anything. That because of myself who really blind about technology and convention thinking.
One day when I discussed about technology, my friend told me that those things are really useful for us as a teacher and we cannot blame someone who cannot master about technology because they also do not have knowledge to use it and do not have the tools to operate it. So the tools is also be a problem. So what about someone who has the tools but cannot use it? Everything is back to the individual. For me I want and I will learn. I don’t want to be someone who left behind. I want to master all technologies but I still defense myself to do not depend on only to technology. I will never find way to master it only from my friends’ presentation before I try and explore it by myself. So, good luck for me and good luck also for someone who want to learn.
One day when I discussed about technology, my friend told me that those things are really useful for us as a teacher and we cannot blame someone who cannot master about technology because they also do not have knowledge to use it and do not have the tools to operate it. So the tools is also be a problem. So what about someone who has the tools but cannot use it? Everything is back to the individual. For me I want and I will learn. I don’t want to be someone who left behind. I want to master all technologies but I still defense myself to do not depend on only to technology. I will never find way to master it only from my friends’ presentation before I try and explore it by myself. So, good luck for me and good luck also for someone who want to learn.
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