Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
New Innovation to Save Our Planet

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Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
Short story - My New Doll
My new doll
Hi, my name is Pipit. All my friends and teachers said that I am a diligent, friendly, and smart girl. I am the eldest of my family. I am second grade of senior high school thirteen Surabaya.
In school, I get many good friends. Today’s lesson is English. I enjoy the lesson. The lesson is very interesting because I learn about vocabulary today. My teacher asks the students to read a story, the title is “ The hole in your stocking”. The story is very good. Then, my teacher asks us to find word that we don’t understand and check it in dictionary. Wow! I get new words in my mind. I like it. I like challenge. What’s more that I can get from school. Let’s see tomorrow.
Hmm,,, humming bird is heard. It means time to take a bath and go to school. I go to school by motor cycle with my daddy. My daddy is the best father for me. He always accompanies me to school before he goes to his office. For first lesson today, I meet ICT lesson. WoW! It will be nice to learn about computer. The teacher comes and smiles to every student. He is very friendly. We learn about make an e-mail account. He explains it step by step, one by one and so clearly. I just follow what he said. While the teacher explains, I see my friend in front of me is so clever playing his fingers. His name is Jemmy. His fingers are very lively to click this and that and very fast too. He does the task as if he doesn’t pay attention to the teacher. The result is very well. My school life always going like that.
This week is an examination week. Last night I studied for the lesson that is examined today. Every night before the examination, I always study for the lesson tomorrow morning. Mathematic, check! English, check! ICT, check! And so on. I have worked hard for this examination. I hope I will get good mark for it.
Huh! Announcement day is come. I am a bit nervous. But I am so curious too about my point. Finally, I get it. All lessons I get average. I think not perfect point but also not really bad mark. Jemmy get 100 for ICT. I know Jemmy really master about computer. Sometimes I ask him if I found something difficult about computer. And he is so welcome and excited to help me. He can operate computer from Ms.Word to programming. He always explores that stuffs. He also often helps his friends. For me I don’t really interesting in computer. In my opinion, perhaps every person has his or her preferences. Someone likes red other likes yellow, athletic like running swimmer like swimming, I like reading and doing my homework Jemmy like playing with his computer in his room. That’s life.
I have chosen to represent my school to Traditional culture competition. In this competition, the participants have to follow the TPA test, interview and perform a traditional performance. It could be traditional dance, sing, theater or so on that related to culture. The participants have to in quarantine. I learn, I read so many books for this competition in my dormitory. I just do it like what I usually I do at home. I often read, study and do my homework because I want to get best mark. I do it for preparing final exam. Even though still 1 year again but I prepare it from now. I find new friends here. We change our phone numbers, facebook account and e-mail. We take photo together from our camera cell phone. We really happy as if we forget that we are in competition. In break time, one of the committee makes a game. The game called “blind walk”. The rule is there are two sides. First, all stay one side. All of us have to close our eyes, only listen, as if we are blind person. When the committee say something and for you is true, you walk to another side across to you with close your eyes. If not, you stay. The committee said “ are you a digital teenager?”. Then, when we all open our eyes, only me in different place. I am seen as someone who really silly. Why I did not walk because I was not sure that I really master about all technologies, gadget and so on. Because in my opinion someone who can be called a digital teenager is not only someone who can operate yahoo or facebook. If I look back to myself, I can say I can operate computer even though not as master as programmer. I can design or just mix and match and organize picture or color but not as advance as graphic designer and so on. I just can operate what I need. Ms Office, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point and so on. I have Yahoo and I often use it. I have Facebook account, Blog, and some other social networking. When I need something, I just click and search by Google. That’s all. That is me. Even though I can do those things, I still cannot call myself a digital teenager.
In my opinion, in my mind, someone who called digital teenager is someone who can operate the computer until to the processor, can delete viruses (not only from scanner) and anything deeper about program and computer. In my mind someone who can be called a digital teenager is like Jemmy. Maybe I am wrong to describe what digital teenager is :-(. But that what came up in my mind automatically when that question came.
I know I am full of limitation in technology. I am not as master as my friends, although I know I have the same level of understanding of that. But I want to be honest to myself about my weaknesses and try to fix and improve it. I am willing to learn anything. I am not a stupid girl. I can learn. I was so shy and loose all my spirit of competition. Even though the committee helps me in order I was not look like shy, I still can't forget this.
I go home as fast as I can. I really don’t want to remember that competition anymore. I just keep silent. My daddy asks about my condition, I don’t hear it. Because I am look sad, my little sister asks me to accompany her to bookstore. With feeling of sad I accept it. In the bookstore I just walk behind my sister and look down to the floor. I don’t see the people. Because I still remember that event. Suddenly my neck feel tired and then I move my neck to up and down, right and left. When I see to up side, I see rack with written “technology”. At that time, I read for a moment and choose book that I like. I buy many books and all about technology. My sister shocked look at me suddenly change to be weird person who buy many books. I owe my sister’s money because I don’t bring much money.
At home, I read that book seriously. May daddy and my sister worried about my condition. But I just read. I am not killing myself. They just let me stay in my room and read all day long. My daddy asks me “ don’t you want to do your homework or read your lesson book?”. “Not now my beloved daddy, I am still busy” my aswer and smile to him. In the evening after Maghrib I go to internet place and apply what I’ve learned from the book. After that I go home and open my lesson book and do my homework. Now, in my note, I do not only read my lesson book and do homework but I also give time for reading my new preference. If I don’t know, I call Jemmy or ask to my other friend that I think they can help me. Now, I have new friend that I can play with.
Hi, my name is Pipit. All my friends and teachers said that I am a diligent, friendly, and smart girl. I am the eldest of my family. I am second grade of senior high school thirteen Surabaya.
In school, I get many good friends. Today’s lesson is English. I enjoy the lesson. The lesson is very interesting because I learn about vocabulary today. My teacher asks the students to read a story, the title is “ The hole in your stocking”. The story is very good. Then, my teacher asks us to find word that we don’t understand and check it in dictionary. Wow! I get new words in my mind. I like it. I like challenge. What’s more that I can get from school. Let’s see tomorrow.
Hmm,,, humming bird is heard. It means time to take a bath and go to school. I go to school by motor cycle with my daddy. My daddy is the best father for me. He always accompanies me to school before he goes to his office. For first lesson today, I meet ICT lesson. WoW! It will be nice to learn about computer. The teacher comes and smiles to every student. He is very friendly. We learn about make an e-mail account. He explains it step by step, one by one and so clearly. I just follow what he said. While the teacher explains, I see my friend in front of me is so clever playing his fingers. His name is Jemmy. His fingers are very lively to click this and that and very fast too. He does the task as if he doesn’t pay attention to the teacher. The result is very well. My school life always going like that.
This week is an examination week. Last night I studied for the lesson that is examined today. Every night before the examination, I always study for the lesson tomorrow morning. Mathematic, check! English, check! ICT, check! And so on. I have worked hard for this examination. I hope I will get good mark for it.
Huh! Announcement day is come. I am a bit nervous. But I am so curious too about my point. Finally, I get it. All lessons I get average. I think not perfect point but also not really bad mark. Jemmy get 100 for ICT. I know Jemmy really master about computer. Sometimes I ask him if I found something difficult about computer. And he is so welcome and excited to help me. He can operate computer from Ms.Word to programming. He always explores that stuffs. He also often helps his friends. For me I don’t really interesting in computer. In my opinion, perhaps every person has his or her preferences. Someone likes red other likes yellow, athletic like running swimmer like swimming, I like reading and doing my homework Jemmy like playing with his computer in his room. That’s life.
I have chosen to represent my school to Traditional culture competition. In this competition, the participants have to follow the TPA test, interview and perform a traditional performance. It could be traditional dance, sing, theater or so on that related to culture. The participants have to in quarantine. I learn, I read so many books for this competition in my dormitory. I just do it like what I usually I do at home. I often read, study and do my homework because I want to get best mark. I do it for preparing final exam. Even though still 1 year again but I prepare it from now. I find new friends here. We change our phone numbers, facebook account and e-mail. We take photo together from our camera cell phone. We really happy as if we forget that we are in competition. In break time, one of the committee makes a game. The game called “blind walk”. The rule is there are two sides. First, all stay one side. All of us have to close our eyes, only listen, as if we are blind person. When the committee say something and for you is true, you walk to another side across to you with close your eyes. If not, you stay. The committee said “ are you a digital teenager?”. Then, when we all open our eyes, only me in different place. I am seen as someone who really silly. Why I did not walk because I was not sure that I really master about all technologies, gadget and so on. Because in my opinion someone who can be called a digital teenager is not only someone who can operate yahoo or facebook. If I look back to myself, I can say I can operate computer even though not as master as programmer. I can design or just mix and match and organize picture or color but not as advance as graphic designer and so on. I just can operate what I need. Ms Office, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point and so on. I have Yahoo and I often use it. I have Facebook account, Blog, and some other social networking. When I need something, I just click and search by Google. That’s all. That is me. Even though I can do those things, I still cannot call myself a digital teenager.
In my opinion, in my mind, someone who called digital teenager is someone who can operate the computer until to the processor, can delete viruses (not only from scanner) and anything deeper about program and computer. In my mind someone who can be called a digital teenager is like Jemmy. Maybe I am wrong to describe what digital teenager is :-(. But that what came up in my mind automatically when that question came.
I know I am full of limitation in technology. I am not as master as my friends, although I know I have the same level of understanding of that. But I want to be honest to myself about my weaknesses and try to fix and improve it. I am willing to learn anything. I am not a stupid girl. I can learn. I was so shy and loose all my spirit of competition. Even though the committee helps me in order I was not look like shy, I still can't forget this.
I go home as fast as I can. I really don’t want to remember that competition anymore. I just keep silent. My daddy asks about my condition, I don’t hear it. Because I am look sad, my little sister asks me to accompany her to bookstore. With feeling of sad I accept it. In the bookstore I just walk behind my sister and look down to the floor. I don’t see the people. Because I still remember that event. Suddenly my neck feel tired and then I move my neck to up and down, right and left. When I see to up side, I see rack with written “technology”. At that time, I read for a moment and choose book that I like. I buy many books and all about technology. My sister shocked look at me suddenly change to be weird person who buy many books. I owe my sister’s money because I don’t bring much money.
At home, I read that book seriously. May daddy and my sister worried about my condition. But I just read. I am not killing myself. They just let me stay in my room and read all day long. My daddy asks me “ don’t you want to do your homework or read your lesson book?”. “Not now my beloved daddy, I am still busy” my aswer and smile to him. In the evening after Maghrib I go to internet place and apply what I’ve learned from the book. After that I go home and open my lesson book and do my homework. Now, in my note, I do not only read my lesson book and do homework but I also give time for reading my new preference. If I don’t know, I call Jemmy or ask to my other friend that I think they can help me. Now, I have new friend that I can play with.
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Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010
Technology and Language Learning
My reflection...
In sketch, draw, visualize! Session of TLL lesson, my lecturer Pak Iwan asked me what meaning of my picture. I told him that it was my willing to learn. I draw 2 pictures in one paper. Both of them were interrelationship. Honestly I really blind about technology. I just have my confidence to learn about technology in the end of my senior high school and until now. When I remember how afraid I am to touch the pc, I felt ashamed to myself and to my friends. I just got my desire to literate this in my journey of university. I don’t know. I just laugh when remember how simple I am and how long I am to learn. But it’s ok. The important thing is I still want to learn without give up. I always said that I am stupid but my friends always tell me that I can do it. I really grateful have so many friends who like to help me.
Thank you my friends….

Thank you my friends….
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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Ketika pertama kali saya mempelajari humanistik, hal pertama yang muncul dalam benak saya adalah "saya akan belajar tentang pendidikan kewarganegaraan, tetapi dengan nama yang lebih keren". Saya membayangkan bahwa saya akan belajar tentang politik dan segalanya tentang bangsa. Tapi ketika saya masuk dan mendapatkan pelajaran di kelas, apa yang sebenarnya saya pikirkan adalah jauh berbeda dengan kenyataan yang saya dapat. Dari pelajaran ini saya belajar lebih banyak tentang hubungan manusia dengan lingkungannya. Saya belajar tentang identitas saya sendiri, budaya saya, alam dan sebagainya.
Saya pikir dari pelajaran ini orang akan menjadi sadar tentang apa itu kemanusiaan. Orang-orang akan menyadari bahwa kita tidak bisa hidup tanpa orang lain. Tidak ada kejahatan, tidak ada lagi kehancuran, penghinaan tidak lebih. Semua hidup dalam damai dan harmonis.
Humanism, what exactly humanism is? Based on Oxford dictionary Humanism is a system of thought that solving human problem with the help of reason is more important than religious beliefs. It emphasizes the fact that the basic nature of human beings is good. From that, we can conclude that humanism is all about our relations to this universe. Whether to other people, animals, nature and so on. If we asked some people who walk on the street with question “ Do you know what humanism is?”. Surely they will suddenly stunned to answer it. Not many people know what humanism is because humanism less of attention in the era that all the sophisticated product reduces the human inter-action and nature that lowers one's sense of humanity.
When in the first time I got study about humanistic, the first thing that came up to my mind is ”I will learn about citizenship education but with cooler name”. I imagined that I will learn about politic and anything about nation. BUT when I enter and get the lesson in the class, in fact what I was thinking about is far different with the reality. From this lesson I learn much more about human relation with the environment. I learn about my own identity, my culture, nature and so on.
I think from this lesson people become aware about humanitarian. People will realize that we cannot live without other. No more crime, no more destruction, no more humiliation.
All live in the peace and harmony.
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Peace and Harmony |
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